Bad news, Good news........
Unfortunately plans are ambitious and has to be changed.残念ながら、計画は巨大であり、(その大きさゆえ?)変更を余儀なくされました。
The bad newsis that I won't cycle from home to Japan with my Quest.
This had various reasons which I will explain;
However I am not afraid of the trouble to make the trip there, several things not certain.
The hurdles of visa, I do need 7 visa(!) and every visa has several restrictions. This makes travel unpleasant and puts a lot of pressure on the time table!
If I can enter China is questionable. Even though I have a visa for China, the borders can be closed instantly. The uyghur minority (from origin Turkish) in China can be in upraise sometimes. The Chinese government than often closes the borders in that area.
My wife and kids are not happy to see me cycling in Russia and see more dangers (than me). I have to take that into consideration!
・ 中国に行けるかどうかは、大変疑わしいものです。たとえビザを持っていたとしても、国境はすぐに閉鎖されてしまいます。ウィグル人という(チュルクを起源とする)、少数民族による蜂起がしばしばおこるため、中国政府は頻繁にその周辺の国境を封鎖することがあるためです。
A very good friend (Alex) responded on this canceling with the words :
"You only Postpone this trip"and I strongly believe that he is right!
The GOOD newsis that I will execute plan B to cycle with my two wheeled recumbent "the Condor" from Optima cycles.
This trip will start later that year (2014) due to the ice and snow conditions on the route I will follow.
Round july 15th I will start in Prudhoe bay Alaska and start cycling south for about 6 months. Early 2015 I will come back to the Netherlands from Panama.In short this is the plan.
I will do this cycling alone, but the first 3400 km I will cycle with my good American friend Alex from Bellingham.基本的に一人旅になりますが、最初の3400㎞だけは、アメリカ・ベリンハムの友人であるアレックスさんと一緒に走ります。
This was a fantastic surprise, him suggesting to cycle together. A better start is hardly possible!
彼が一緒に走ることを申し出てくれたことは、とても素晴らしい驚きでした。幸先良いも のになることはもう間違いありません!
The reason not to announce this change is that I had to get used to the new idea.この変更を伝えなかったのは、新しいプランに慣れる必要があったためです。
I had to focus on the new plan which takes some time.
Also I didn't start a new weblog yet.
In the meantime I am ready now and my focus is on the new (great) route!
All the maps are bought, only the Pacific coast route maps from ACA (Adventure Cycling Association) has to be bought this year.すべての地図は(ほとんどすでに)買ってあります。ACA(アドヴェンチャー・サイクリング・アソシエイション)から発行される西海岸ルートマップのみを今年買う必要があります。
In the meantime I can't let go plan A totally.
Now and then I am searching for a solution for the problems of Plan A.
This time from Japan towards home.
Definitely with my QUEST!
First sent it (by boat) to Japan, no problem, has been done before.
Cycling with a Friend with a velomobiel for about a month.
To China by Ferry.
When I am there it mustn't be that hard to travel through China and ride home via Kazachstan and Russia back home.
I still investigate this plan and hope to go in about six years.
Paid leave of absence!
For this trip again, I have Paid leave of absence. A possibility I used before in 2008
今回も私はこの旅に必要な時間を捻出するため、結構大変でした((スポンサーがいるわけでもないため)対価なしには得られないものです!)This time also I managed to save the hours needed for this trip (I didn't get them for free!)If I can use this construction again in the future I will not know!I only know this after I served my (than) new plan after I am back in 2015, to go on a similar tour in 2020!
The term "Paid leave" is just as they pay me on my leave of absence, Not true.
I work in the health care and regularly outside the regular hours. All those hours are added and makes it possible to do this trip!
When I have a new weblog for "Alaska - Panama" I will announce it on this weblog!私が新しいブログ"アラスカからパナマへ"を始めた時このブログで通知します!